March 6, 2023

Call for expression of interest: MSCA postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Angers

The University of Angers announces the MSCA Post-doctorale Fellowship. You are a post-doc researcher, and you would like to expand your experience with a stay in a French research group? You are ready for a new challenge and an international career? You would like to broaden your network and mature as an independent researcher?

The University of Angers announces the MSCA Post-doctorale Fellowship :

You are a post-doc researcher, and you would like to expand your experience with a stay in a French research group? 

You are ready for a new challenge and an international career? 

You would like to broaden your network and mature as an independent researcher?

Then the Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) post-doctoral fellowship from the Horizon Europe programme is made for you!