16 de febrero de 2024

EU GREEN Inspiration Days | Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The primary goal of this initiative is to inspire and facilitate innovative thinking among participants. We aim to encourage fresh ideas, creative problem-solving, and out-of-the-box approaches that can lead to groundbreaking innovations. The objective is to empower aspiring entrepreneurs to take the leap into the world of startups and business ownership.

This activity will take place at each university of the Alliance on different dates, and it is open to students, doctoral students as well as researchers.

Specifically, it is intended to encourage participation in the Entrepreneur’s Journey actively and to show the benefits of participating in that programme.

During these days, the Entrepreneur’s Journey programme and its benefits will be explained. There will be the opportunity to analyse success stories of companies that were born from a start-up and already exist in the market, as well as inspirational success stories about start-ups originating from a University. Specialists in the field of chosen clusters will also be on hand to offer advice on where to start when creating a start-up, what skills are needed, what are the barriers and constraints, what qualities and skills are desirable to start with.

This activity is the prelude to the Innovation Day to be held next April 2024.

More information: EU GREEN contact person at your university.