Call – “3-Minute Fame” competition for PhD candidates

Call – “3-Minute Fame” competition for PhD candidates

The ‘3-Minute Fame’ competition is a unique opportunity for doctoral students from the nine EU GREEN partner universities to showcase their thesis work to a European audience. The objective of this contest? In a maximum of 3 minutes, be able to present your thesis project in a concise, simplified and punchy way.

How to apply?

To participate, applicants must send a video of themselves presenting their thesis in a maximum of 3 minutes, making sure to explain it in a simplified way and to describe the impact and results of the research.

Deadline: 28th February 2025.


Only for applicants from the University of Angers: fill in this form before 17th December 2024.

Finals in Parma, Italy (June 2025)

The top 3 candidates from each university will be selected to take part in the final of the event, which will be held during the Summer School in Parma, Italy, from 9th to 13th June 2025. On this occasion, they will have to pitch their 3-minute thesis live in front of an EU GREEN jury.

For more information: download the official call

For any questions, please contact Alix Blouët (EU GREEN Research Coordinator):