The Alliance

Who we are:

We are a transnational Alliance of nine European universities aiming to be Your Gateway to Sustainability. We are peripheral regionally-anchored, while globally oriented, that is why we are strategically aligned for the engagement with all of the European regions.

Why we are here:

We believe in the development of the empowerment, capabilities, opportunities and cooperation of the society for a better and more viable environment in the long run. We defend a fairer model based on the concept of distributed excellence.


We embrace a mission of actively doing good and place societal responsibility at the heart of our mission as a guiding principle. Our vision is going beyond building a European University. We aim to train citizens and deliver research and innovation that contribute to the development of our local and/or regional ecosystems, thus providing answers to pressing challenges for society at large.

What we do:

We are creating a broad European educational area to strenghthening and disseminating European values where sustainability is a transversal element.

Associates map

Universität Mageburg
Université Angers
Universidade de Évora
University of Oradea
Università Di Parma
University of Gävle
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences