Heritage Education and Digital Humanities

Title of the BIP

Heritage Education and Digital Humanities

Hosting Universities

University of Extremadura, Campus of Cáceres (SPAIN)University of Evora, Learning villages of Torrequemada and Torreorgaz (PORTUGAL)

Virtual Period start:

13th June 2024

Virtual Period end:

4th July 2024

In-presence Period start:

8th July 2024

In-presence Period end:

12nd July 2024

Language of teaching:

English B1, Spanish, Portuguese

ECTS credits:


Number of participants:


Study level required:

BA (first cycle), MA (second cycle), PhD, Post-Doc, young researchers, adult learners, professional of the field

Selection criteria:

An open introductory course, although it will deepen in diverse fields of cultural heritage interpretation, education and management through new technologies and digital humanities is open to all interested public holding a B1 certificate in English. Gender balance will be taken in account in the selection of participants, as well as students with fewer opportunities. A cv and a motivation letter will be assessed for the selection.


Dr. Martín Gómez-Ullate (UEx)

Prof. Rachele Sprugnoli (UNIPR)

Prof. Sofia Aleixo (UEv)

Programme description

An innovative course with a highly practical approach directed to students and professionals in the field of cultural heritage and/or digital humanities to gain introductory and specialized knowledge on technologies, tools and techniques from digital humanities to analyze, understand, safeguard and enhance cultural heritage. Modern heritage studies (archaeology, history, cultural heritage management, museology, etc.) involve more and more working with digital media. Research techniques, such as remote sensing, GIS, geophysical prospection, physicochemical analysis of finds (archaeometry), combined with digital documentation applications and methods, such as 3D and 2D scanning, digital databases, big data, drone photography, etc., allow for a far more diverse way of documenting cultural heritage. On the other hand, heritage interpretation is enhanced through simple, easy-to-use digital tools, starting from digital photography, social media and internet sites and going up to more complicated apps, games and interactive representations. Modern heritage specialists can choose from a vast array of tools, selecting the ones that are most suitable for their goals or budget. The exigency for a more open, democratic and bottom-up approach to heritage understanding and interpretation has changed -forever perhaps- how archaeologists, historians, museum specialists, perceive their role and their profession.

Awarded with 5 ECTS, the course will take the form of an in-situ summer course in the World Heritage Cities of Cáceres and Evora in the 3rd week of June, preceded by 2 weeks of virtual lecturing.