Statistics for Management

Title of the BIP

Statistics for Management

Hosting University

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (POLAND)

Virtual Period start:

29th May 2024

Virtual Period end:

28th June 2024

In-presence Period start:

17th June 2024  

In-presence Period end:

21st June 2024

Language of teaching:

English B2

ECTS credits:


Number of participants:

The BlP is open to a maximum of 27 participants (3 students per EU GREEN University). In case one of the EU GREEN universities should have less students than the maximum allowed, the places left will be made available to other universities in order to reach the planned number of participants.

Study level required:

Bachelor, Master, Doctoral

Selection criteria:

  • Participation in the program is open to students of any discipline connected with contents related to the BIP.
  • Students enrolled in I, II and III cycle courses of study.
  • To apply for this program, students must be regularly enrolled at one of the participating universities and have completed a course in Statistics, Mathematics, or similar content.
  • At the time of the application submission, applicants must demonstrate proof of English language competence at the B2 level. This can be certified by the applicant’s home University.


Prof. Jan Kazak (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences)

Programme description

The main objective of this course is to contribute with approaches, techniques, and methods that support the decision-making process in management and economics. More specifically, it is intended that students obtain basic and robust training in descriptive and inferential statistics, file and data processing, preliminary analyses, and graphical representations, using appropriate software, to promote a more complete and coherent research in Management.

More than presenting and exploring techniques and methods, it is intended that students understand their usefulness and how they can provide answers to management and research questions. In this sense, since the very first classes, students are encouraged to put into practice theoretical knowledge, defining research problems and concrete objectives, as well as selecting variables and methods that allow them to respond to the problem and achieve the objectives set. The learning of concepts and techniques is stimulated through the project learning method.