At the core of EU GREEN’s mission to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and support sustainable societies in our local communities and regions is its challenge-based education model (see Education section) and the six Research Clusters (see Research section). By pooling our expertise in these areas and, together with a wide and diverse network of partners, we aim to design and implement an EU GREEN strategy for social engagement that is in line with the SDGs and Europe’s Sustainable Development Goals, and that will enable us to strengthen our impact. We will achieve a broadening of our knowledge; we will reach out to new target groups and generate new ideas and continuous forms of collaboration.
EU GREEN will be an outreach university alliance that puts its intellectual, physical and digital resources at the service of complex societal issues and challenges. To achieve this, an Engagement Hub will be created to centralise our resources and act as EU GREEN’s point of contact with external stakeholders and communities. Through this Hub, EU GREEN partners will design and run challenge-based events with industry and society to find common innovative solutions and unique sustainability challenges in order to disseminate sustainability best practice to local stakeholders.
The Participation Commission will lead and supervise all the tasks described in this section. At the start of the project, a diagnosis will be carried out in terms of associations and participation, which will serve as a basis for establishing and defining more precisely all the activities and the role of the Participation Centre. This section will work closely with the Education Commission, the Research Commission and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Commission.
The activities of the Participation Centre will support international collaboration on education for sustainability, including innovative projects fostering entrepreneurship, and will ensure access and inclusion of a wide range of participants in its activities.