11 de julio de 2024

Celebrating Diversity: The 1st EU GREEN Photography Contest Awards Ceremony at the University of Oradea

The awards ceremony for the “Collection of Emotions in Diversity” photography contest, organized by the University of Oradea under the auspices of EU GREEN, was a heartwarming event that truly embodied the contest’s spirit of inclusivity and emotion.

The contest showcased remarkable talent across its categories. In the student section, the first prize was awarded to David Gabriel Beldean – Igaș for his photograph “Reflexie de toamnă” (Autumn Reflection). Diana – Simina Oșan took second place with “Răsfoind în armonie” (Flipping through in Harmony), and Dalia Ilea secured third place with “Început” (Beginning).

In the faculty and auxiliary staff category, Carmen Mladin won first place with “New generation in the heart of the city.” Assoc. Prof. Kante Meister’s “Eingang zum Paradies – Entrance to Paradise” won second place, and Assoc. Prof. Ioana Pop – Cohuț took third with “Dor” (Longing).


The contest received 113 submissions, of which 58 were selected for display at the University of Oradea, reflecting a true “Collection of Emotions” from across the university community. This event not only celebrated artistic talent but also strengthened the sense of unity and belonging within the EU GREEN Alliance.

The ceremony was attended by a diverse group of university professors, students, auxiliary staff members, winners, and the distinguished jury: Prof. Anca Dodescu, Vice-Rector of the University of Oradea and coordinator of EU GREEN activities at the university, Prof. Karla Barth, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and coordinator of Work Package 7 within the EU GREEN Alliance, Assoc. Prof. Teofil Știop, Director of the Visual Arts Department of the Faculty of Arts, and Patrick Pop, a talented young photographer and master’s student at the University of Oradea.


In her opening speech, Prof. Anca Dodescu highlighted the contest’s success and announced plans to replicate it across all EU GREEN consortium member universities. “Keep taking photos! We hope to win the grand prize of the Alliance,” she encouraged. The idea for the contest, she explained, came from her visit to the University of Extremadura, where she witnessed a similar contest that transformed a historic fortress into a vibrant student space. She praised the inclusivity of the contest, noting that it welcomed participation from students, professors, and university employees alike. “We are trying to create this sense of belonging to a European university alliance. And the photography contest is just one of the steps that will bring us together,” she added.

Prof. Karla Barth, coordinator of Work Package 7—focused on “Access, Diversity, and Inclusion”—emphasized the importance of cultural and sports events in fostering unity within the European university project. Assoc. Prof. Teofil Știop expressed his delight in serving as a jury member, highlighting the joy of working with and interpreting visual images. He noted the consensus among jury members in selecting the winning photographs, underscoring a shared appreciation for visual beauty.


Young photographer Patrick Pop expressed his honor in being part of the jury and commended the high quality of the submissions. Speaking on behalf of the winners, Lect. Kante Meister from the Faculty of Arts emphasized the moral obligation to participate in and honor this extraordinary initiative.