December 10, 2023

3 EU GREEN students participate in the European Students’ Union event | Coimbra (Portugal) 8th to 10th December 2023

The EU GREEN students Sandra Mulica (Wroclaw University of Enviromental and Life Sciences, Poland) and Alejandro Valerio Suárez Murillo (University of Extremadura, Spain), were selected by the Student Board as EU GREEN representatives in the ESU event held in Coimbra, Portugal (8-10 December 2023).  The third EU GREEN student participating was Diogo Solipa (University of Évora, Portugal) who attended through his national student association.

Approximately 80 participants, including General Coordinators of European Alliances, representatives from the European Commission, the European Students Union (ESU), and the Erasmus + Portugal Agency, converged to discuss and shape the future of higher education collaboration across borders. All the topics covered, at the end of the event, intended to show how Alliances bring meaningful added value to students and their studies.