September 24, 2024

The University of Parma nominated to lead the EU GREEN Senate

The University of Parma is strengthening its role within the EU GREEN alliance: Giorgio Pelosi, Vice-Rector for the EU GREEN network, has been appointed as the new President of the Senate.

The professor from the University of Parma will coordinate the governing body for one year. The Senate is composed of 27 Vice-Rectors from the nine member universities – the University of Parma, the University of Extremadura (Spain), the University of Gävle (Sweden), Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland), Université D’Angers (France), University of Évora (Portugal), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany), Atlantic Technological University (Ireland), and the University of Oradea (Romania) – as well as three representatives from the EU GREEN Student Council and three representatives from associated stakeholders of the Alliance. The Senate acts as the intermediary institution between the Council of Rectors and the EU GREEN Executive Committee.

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The EU GREEN Senate plays a crucial role both in a proposal-making capacity and in validating documents and activity outcomes from the Alliance, which are submitted for approval to the European Commission. It contributes to shaping the EU GREEN project, aiming towards the creation of a fully-fledged European University, capable of awarding degree certificates recognised across the entire Union.

Giorgio Pelosi, succeeding Chelmonska Soyta (Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences), emphasises the importance of developing an efficient communication system, given the cultural diversity and varied experiences of the universities within the consortium. Such a system would enable all partners to stay constantly updated on actions taken and the results achieved across the project’s nine work packages.

To highlight the significance of the Alliance for the University of Parma both now and in the near future, a new Organisational Unit titled “International Relations and EU GREEN” has been established.