February 22, 2023

Call for post-doc in Poland

NAWA invites scholars from foreign universities and research centres with a PhD to apply for the S.Ulam Programme.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Cooperation has just launched a new call for incoming post-docs. This is the 5th edition of the Stanisław Ulam programme!

The aim is to increase the internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions. The ULAM NAWA programme allows recognised as well as promising scientists to come to Poland, enables them to complete internships, as well as to establish and deepen scientific cooperation in Polish research and academic centres. The programme enables a gradual increase in the number of foreign scientists involved in research and teaching in Poland, thus strengthening the potential of Polish entities. The ULAM NAWA scholarship holders identified 66 Polish institutions and universities where they would like to conduct their research.

Although some of the projects ended, many of the scholarship holders remained in Poland, staying at our centres for longer, writing new joint projects and publications. The call for applications for the Programme will be conducted from 21 February to 22 May 2023 until 15:00, according to the official time in Poland. To be informed, please click on the link:
