February 28, 2023

The EU GREEN alliance is proud to announce that the project STYX  (EUt+ Status and structure experience) has been funded

EUGREEN is thrilled to be an associated partner of this project. The objective of the project is:

EUt+ : a full merger as a long-term objective

The European Universities Initiative (EUI), launched by the European Union leaders at the Gothenburg Summit in 2017, is at the heart of the European Commission’s 2022 Strategy for Universities. According to the European Commission, “European Universities” have an ambitious mandate aimed to trigger unprecedented levels of institutionalised cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable.

Such a mandate opens the path for many different approaches, involving different degrees of institutional integration, from loose association to a full merger. Currently, amongst the 44 existing EUIs, the European University of Technology (EUt+) is the only alliance to have explicitly stated their ambition to fully merge the eight member universities.