Attention researchers! Don’t miss out on the upcoming informative webinars. Save the dates!
- April 16th 10-11am CET: Information session on MSCA Doctoral Networks. The MSCA Doctoral Networks are part of the Horizon Europe Funding Program and offer the opportunity to establish European networks for the innovative training of doctoral students. In addition to their own research project, doctoral students receive special trainings that will be useful for their future careers. The programme offers funding for up to 15 doctoral candidates for 3 years in each project. In addition to information on the programme and the application process, a successful applicant will also report on his experiences. Click here to join the webinar
- April 17th, noon to 1.30pm CET «Presentation of MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship call and opportunities for application within EU GREEN»: The call is for research projects between an experienced researcher, who takes the role of a supervisor, and a postdoctoral fellow. The idea is for the fellow to carry out the project abroad, so the application must be submitted with a Host institution from another country. Both researchers, who wish to take the role of a Supervisor, and fellows interested in working abroad for 24 months, can attend. Click here to register and join the webinar.
- May 21st, noon to 2pm CET : «How to write a successful MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project»: It is especially interesting for young researchers (PhD holders of less than 8 years of experience in research) who wish to have an experience abroad. We will dive deep into a proposal writing process and offer both fellows and supervisors a session dedicated to practical hints and tips on how to write a competitive proposal. There will be a helping hand from a fellow who was successful in the past calls. Click here to register and join the webinar.