The first year has been about interpreting the mission, building consensus, structuring and organising the work of WP8, and reaching out to staff and students who want to get involved in the nine EU GREEN universities.
– The work package is described in visionary terms with the aim of creating a campus culture and a campus identity characterised by sustainability and health. These are rather vague concepts that we are now concretising in the form of activities, initiatives and events, says Agneta Morelli.
The work package addresses social, ecological and economic sustainability. Using a survey, they have mapped the current situation on all campuses of our partner universities.
Responsible persons in different areas of activity have answered questions and the answers have been analysed. Both common and local challenges were then identified and prioritised.
– We have delivered an action plan to the European Commission and held a Staff Week in Ireland in January. Now we are planning this year’s concrete measures around the universities. A real challenge at the University of Gävle is to create a vibrant campus where students and staff want to be, an attractive meeting place for external partners and a natural part of the local community, says Agneta Morelli.
The work package has a strong student focus and Melis Temel, a PhD student in Industrial Economics, has a role as student coordinator: “My role is to facilitate communication and create opportunities for cooperation between student representatives at higher education institutions within EU GREEN. We have regular meetings with exercises and brainstorming to get ideas on how to improve student participation and influence”, she says.
More info here
Photography Anna Sällberg (Karin Eriksson, Agneta Morelli & Melis Temel)