The EU GREEN Board of Rectors meets in Parma with the aim of shaping the alliance. In the inaugural session, Prof. Paolo ANDREI, Rector of the University of Parma, Prof. Michele GUERRA, City Mayor, Prof. Pedro FERNÁNDEZ SALGUERO – UEx Rector and Alliance Coordinator- and Prof. Paolo MARTELLI, new University Rector (1st November 2023 – 31st October 2029) welcomed the participants.
The Rector of the University of Parma delivered a general speech about the honor we have, as EU GREEN Alliance, to have been assigned by the European Commission this important task of shaping the European citizen of the future. After the greetings of a City Council member, we had a few words from the EU GREEN President (the Rector of the University of Extremadura – the Alliance Coordinator). During this session, the audience had the privilege to listen to the speech of Walter Zampieri, Head of Unit in the EACEA.
The EU GREEN Senate has also been officially launched in Parma these days. The Senate is the applied strategic body of the Alliance. It translates the general strategy into specific strategies in the framework of Research, Education, Internationalization, Third/Fourth Mission. The Senate is formed by a maximum of 3 representatives from each partner institution in one or more of the following frameworks: Research, Education, Third and/or Fourth Mission, Internationalization, and Administration. The Senate also counts on 3 students, in representation of the Student Council and 3 Associated partner representatives, 1 public institution, 1 industry, 1 of them in representation of Ukrainian Universities associated to the Alliance.
PM2 AGILE Training Workshop:
UEx as the Alliance Coordinator and leader of the work package nº. 1 has facilitated a workshop aimed at defining and documenting the project management methodology in a Project Management Guide. This procedure will provide a common way of managing projects, significantly improving the current performance within the Alliance and its results.
The joint sessions also served as an opportunity to give feedback on the first months and discuss the state of the art of the different tasks and milestones that are being developed by the working groups ad-hoc created for reaching the alliance objectives.
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