World Mental Health Day is part of work package 8 within EU GREEN, led by the University of Gävle. By supporting individual health and creating better working environments, we contribute together to a sustainable future on all EU GREEN campuses.
– We create a platform where conversations about mental health can take place in various forms. Our aim is not only to open dialogue but also to inspire action and foster an ongoing commitment to well-being. We hope that this type of event becomes a recurring tradition that we revisit and build upon each year, says Agneta Morelli, WP 8 Leader.
Through creative and supportive initiatives aimed at both students and staff, several universities within EU GREEN demonstrated their commitment to creating an environment where mental health is prioritized. It was a collective effort for health and sustainability
Atlantic Technological University – Focus on a sustainable and inclusive campus
At ATU the day was celebrated by creating healthy workplace conditions where students and staff feel included and empowered.
Through the campaign “How Can We Help” staff were asked to anonymously write their suggestions on post it notes regarding how the work environment can be improved. These were important steps for supportive campus life. For students “Drop in don’t stress out” a campaign to recognise and support students balancing study/part time work and their expectations and to ensure students on work placements as part of their course can still feel connected to the campus and supports.
University of Évora– Mental health on the agenda
The university took the opportunity to highlight the importance of finding a balance and managing stress in a healthy way by sending an email to all the staff at the university.The university
continues to run the Vagar (Mente) project to raise awareness about mental health and support both students and staff in managing daily stress in a constructive way. The IPSucesso project also support students in the transformation to higher studies with t
he aim to reduce drop outs and create a more welcoming campus environment.
University of Extremadura– An emotional well-being community
At the University of Extremadura, the so-called “UEx Emotional Wellbeing Network” was launched as a highlight on the World Mental Health Day. The network is a support not only to stude
nts but also to faculty and staff. A common platform to strengthen mental health on campus. The aim is clear; to create open conversations on mental health and give all at the university access to tools and resources that can assist them on a daily basis. In the way the university shows that no one needs to face challenges alone.
Otto von Guericke University – Empowering mental health through campus events
The EU GREEN team included the topic of Mental Health in an OVGU campus event organized for all students, called Market of Possibilities. The event presented what the university can offer to new students. The EU GREEN booth provided information about the available mental health services on campus.
University of Gävle– Inspiration and community
In Sweden, the University of Gävle hosted a day filled with lectures and workshops open to the public, staff, and students. With support from various NGOs along with inspiring stories from researchers and former students, an atmosphere of community and learning was created. The day concluded with a guided walk to the campus wellness areas – an opportunity to both reflect and recharge.